NOTE: The first issue of each month is dedicated to our 2016 word for the year - ABOUND.
Valentine’s Day is around the corner and with it comes an array of store displays and commercials advertising flowers, candy, cards and gift options. These items will be purchased and given as physical evidence meant to demonstrate a deep emotion we call “love”. However, lavishing our loved ones with the intangible gifts of abiding care, deep concern and at-the-ready helpfulness expresses something far more valuable…our unconditional love.
“Seek opportunities to show you care. The smallest gestures often make the biggest difference.” John Wooden, UCLA Basketball Coach 1948-1975
Coaches may not hand out Valentine cards to their players, but they do hand out their care and concern in daily practice. Pouring their knowledge into players, providing skill development, and giving of time well beyond what is required are practical expressions of their love as a friend, mentor and coach.
And this I pray, that your love may abound more and more… in real knowledge and in practical insight. Philippians 1:9 AMP
God lavishes His unconditional love upon us…
But God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 AMP
God’s nurturing, overflowing and abounding love provided our path to a flourishing life and an eternity with Him. It is this kind of love that God wants to grow in us.
PRAYER: Lord, let my life overflow with love more and more. May I not only love much but well. Teach me to love appropriately. Help me to lavish sincere and intelligent love on those around me and not sentimental gush. Thank you for proving your love for me through Your Son. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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