After ending the radio communication, Buzz enjoyed a personal moment of adoration as he sat on the silent surface of the moon, 250,000 miles from home. He opened a prepared packet of bread and wine, took communion and read these words spoken by Jesus:
“I am the vine, you are the branches. Whosoever abides in me will bring forth much fruit ...
Apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 NIV
Buzz wrote about this victorious achievement saying, "It is interesting for me to think the very first liquid ever poured on the moon and the very first food eaten there, were the communion elements. And of course, it’s interesting to think that some of the first words spoken on the moon were the words of Jesus Christ, who made the Earth and the moon…”.
When we experience victories in life, what is our first response? After the whoops and hollers are over do we sit in grateful silence before the One who gave us life, breath and the ability to accomplish?
PRAYER: Today I sit before You, Lord, in grateful silence and adoration for (fill in the blank). It is a victory that could only be accomplished by Your hand of guidance and direction. I honor and adore you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Yours, Lord, is... the victiory ... We ADORE you as the one who is over all things. all things. I Chronicles 29:11
NOTE: One SPORTMOM E-votional will be issued the first Tuesday of each summer month and dedicated to our word for the year...ADORE!
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