Coach often tells this story about his first football training. As the team lined up for practice his coach belted out for them to "get in their stance". Then he walked down the row illustrating the defect in some stances and the correctness of others. As he came to one with his feet very wide apart, he ran past with the football asking that player to catch him. In the time it took for the player to get out of his too-wide stance the coach and ball were long past him. Moving on the coach gently bumped a player whose feet were not far enough apart causing him to lose his balance which compromised his "at the ready" stance. The coach's point was understood - in the right stance a player is at the ready allowing the player to withstand the hits and the ability to respond to the ball.
Just as an athlete dons the appropriate stance for the required play, we sportmoms must be "at the ready" for whatever the plans are for this day. Is your stance lined up with those plans? Being ready for what we know is coming means more than half of the day is won!
Our worship also requires an AT THE READY stance. Thankfully, it is built into our very being propelling us toward our God. As coach Joe Gibbs said in one of his Game Plan for Life devotionals, "People are naturally wired to worship." Worship is adoring, bowing before in reverence, showing intense love or admiration. This longing to worship is evidenced by our insatiable desire to glorify our winners. This desire, however, can only be fully met as we give praise and adoration to the One who made us . . .
"God gave them the law of Moses and the right way of worship . . . (He) is God over all. Praise him forever!" Romans 9:4-5 NCV
Our worship doesn't need igniting just redirecting. Finding that natural stance for worship may begin in the pew at church but it is designed for every move we make in every place we find ourselves . . . AT THE READY for ultimate worship of the One our souls truly long for and the only one worthy of our extreme worship - God Himself.
Jesus was taken to the mountaintop and tempted by his adversary, Satan. When He was asked to give his allegiance to other things, he spoke these words directly from the prophets:
"As it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only'." Luke 4:8 NIV
Be "at the ready" to worship Him today . . . His presence is in all you do and everywhere you go!
Blessings . . . as you step up to ultimate worship!
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