READER QUESTION: “If indeed God's camera is always on, for an athlete, what are the top ten ways you think God would find most pleasing to Him?
ANSWER: Here are ten ways an athlete can please God...
SHOW LOVE … to both teammates and competitors.
EXUDE JOY … in your win and in an opponent's win.
PROMOTE PEACE … when the ref's call is in question.
PRACTICE PATIENCE … on and off the bench.
BE KIND … even when others are rude.
PRACTICE GOODNESS … in the face of temptation to get back.
BE FAITHFUL … through the ups and downs of the game.
BE GENTLE … especially when helping a teammate to improve.
POSSESS SELF CONTROL … when you want to explode.
ALWAYS AVOID … being proud - making trouble with each other - being jealous of one another.
Can we possibly do and be these on our own? No, so here is the key...these ten qualities are known as the FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT! As we live in the light of the Spirit of God, these qualities become evident ...the fruit that pleases Him (see Galatians 5:22-26) .
“We get our new life from the Spirit, so we should follow the Spirit.” Galatians 5:25 NCV
Watch for the next issue of SPORTMOM E-votional when another question is asked concerning these TOP TEN FRUITS!
Blessings…as you become CAMERA-READY!
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