It's easy to love a "winner", but it is the "loser" that desperately needs it. When defeat is experienced, nurturing and uplifting attention from those around us is absolutely necessary. Rather than offering light-weight excuses for why things went the way they did, the best medicine a sportmom can offer for the wounded spirit is:
- An ear that listens to the pain
- A shoulder that bears the hurt
- Arms that are open wide
- A Mouth full of encouragement toward a better day
Recently our granddaughter faced a disappointing loss with her volleyball team. Her clearly-expressed need following this loss was to be left alone for a bit to process through the self-blame and get ready to re-enter her world. For her, this did not include an in-your-face "I love you" or a "bear hug" - the things we wanted to give her. After a few minutes of adjusting her perspective she was ready to "talk about it" and accept encouragement. Discovering how to love our losers is an important part of the sportmom's challenge. God knows how to love us when we are in a funk! He "loves his loser" with an all-encompassing knowledge of his child's need. Through His Word and through quiet talks with Him, He targets the center of our disappointment and lovingly brings us back to WALK STRONG once again.
"But the people who trust the Lord will become STRONG again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they will run and not need rest; they will WALK and not become tired." Isaiah 40:31 NVC
"With a mighty hand and outstretched arm; His love endures forever." Psalm 136:12 NIV
Yes, "Love is for losers" and "losers need love"... but here is the best news . . .
Go to the GOD'S LOVE NEVER QUITS passage of scripture in Psalm 136 using The Message version will bless your socks off! (you may use to access on-line)
Blessings . . . as you WALK STRONG in the power of God's love.
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