As a sport team takes to the indoor court, another noisy scenario often develops. The squeaking tennis shoes, applauding fans, belting announcer and reverberating echo of a gym permeate the air space. It is up to the coach to have masterfully prepared his players to hear his voice above the CONSTANT CLATTER. In the relative silence of the practice time, their ears become accustomed to the coach's verbal directives.
What a one says can be a form of CONSTANT CLATTER ... what is not said and kept silent can be vital.
"The minute you start talking about what you're going to do if you lose, you have lost."
George Schultz, Statesman
CONSTANT CLATTER may also happen in our spiritual lives compromising our times of communication with our Maker.
"Some of us use noise as a way of shutting out the voice of God: constant chatter, even when we’re talking about God, keeps us from hearing what God has to say."
Julie Ackerman Link - Our Daily Bread
The antidote, then for CONSTANT CLATTER that keeps us from hearing the voice of God, is silence. Will we be silent before Him? Prophets, Kings and Jesus himself found silence something to be sought after...something to be experienced.
"But oh! God is in his holy Temple! Quiet everyone—a holy silence. Listen!" Habakkuk 2:20 MSG
"...silence fills the earth: unspoken truth is spoken everywhere." Psalm 19:3b MSG
"Do you hear that long list of accusations? Aren't you going to say something?" Jesus kept silence—not a word from his mouth." Matthew 27:12 MSG you quiet the constant clatter, enjoy silence, and listen for the voice of God.
VISIT BEHIND THE BENCH BLOG at the above tab for today's post titled 'NOISY SILENCE'
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