Darkness can bring about all sorts of imaginations. Shadows can play tricks on us, paths can become unfamiliar, distances can seem endless and our sense of direction can become confused. It is easy to DOUBT IN THE DARK.
Light is required for sport events. We have experienced basketball and football games being played when the lights have gone out...what a mess! Although a sense of doubt was in the air, each time they came back on and the event continued. Light shed on an arena carries with it the opportunity to go forward with the play at hand.
Darkness can fill our day bringing doubt and fear into our souls. We desperately need to see some light at the end of the mess.
“God is at work in the mess. That’s the message of the Bible.” Matt Chandler
The apostle Paul wrote these power-filled words to the church in Philippi regarding his imprisonment...
What has happened to me has actually served to advance the gospel. Philippians 1:12
He did not let a dark situation become chains of doubt. Rather, he used it as an opportunity to share what God had taught him in the light. The result was that the entire palace guard heard about Christ and some became followers (see Philippians 1: 13 & 14).
In spite of current obstacles, God continually provides new ways for us to work through the dark mess. Don’t doubt in the dark what He has shown you in the light.
PRAYER: When I don’t see a way through the darkness, Lord, I will look for your light. Thank you for being ever-present. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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