There is no sweeter sound to a coach than a player or participant who eats, sleeps and drinks the sport. Talking incessantly about it to family, friends and fellow team members is one sign of a fully-committed player. Knowledge, gathered and applied, is the fuel for ENDLESS DISCUSSIONS on their favorite sport. Although some athletes may rarely discuss their sport, this kind of person discusses nearly nothing else but the sport and with great passion!
David was in constant communication about and with His Maker. Doing battle against the great Goliath, he took the giant out with some stones and a slingshot - his sport gear. It was with passionate intent that he showed up to defend against evil for the sake of the God of Israel. Rather than having ENDLESS DISCUSSIONS about how strong and terrible the giant was, he chose to continually comment on the awesome power and strength of his God.
“You come to me with a sword, with a spear, and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel.” 1 Samuel 17:45
“No one else discusses God. David discusses no one else but God.” Max Lucado, Facing Your Giants
David went on to have a life of ENDLESS DISCUSSIONS about and with his God as we see in the Psalms that he wrote.
When we become fully-engaged with our Creator, we find ourselves in ENDLESS DISCUSSIONS about and with Him. It is these passionate, reverent, and focused communications that bring power to the challenges of life. May we endlessly proclaim…
My life is in you, Lord, My strength is in you, Lord...
My hope is in you, Lord…in You, it’s in You!
Blessings…as you find hope and strength through your ENDLESS DISCUSSIONS with our Lord.
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