Knowing how to GET THERE is basic to both traveling in cars and traveling through life. Coach has always had a great sense of direction and an almost uncanny ability to follow his nose to the destination. Having said this, being of the male gender stopping to ask for directions is not #1 on his list when his nose fails him. This comment came across my desk from another member of the male species who gives this account:
“Don’t worry. I know right where I’m going,” I said to my passengers. Then an almost-human voice ratted me out: “Rerouting . . . rerouting.” Now everyone knew I was lost!” Randy Kilgore
Even reassuring comments from a driver can now be squelched by the new “passenger” in our vehicle - the GPS! We may look like we know where we are going and act like it too, but the proof is when we GET THERE!
Teams can look good when they take the field or court of sports with their shiny new Nike’s, cool new uniforms and “bad” (meaning good!) haircuts! But we all know that it is arriving at the end of the competition with the greater score that matters…the ability to GET THERE!
Our driving directions for life are contained in God’s Word. He offers written directions for the intended route to heaven that tell us how to GET THERE!
This firm truth sends us on our way with the right people in our life car.
Depending on God to lead us is a non-negotiable as we begin our travel to GET THERE
Following Jesus leads to an eternal relationship with his Father – our
you.” John 14:26
The Divine GPS is ours applauding our progress and warning us to “re-rout”
when we get off track.
When we GET THERE it will be a road worth traveling…forever with our
Blessings…and have a great trip!
©2013 SPORTMOMS & MORE | 11964 Elemar - Portland, OR 97224