When I first met Coach, he made sure that I knew this about him: he loves to win, will strive to win, and do it with all his might. Over the past 45 years he has proven that to be true. His LOVE FOR the game of basketball ignites his passion to LIVE FOR the next season.
This familiar chant echoing in gymnasiums across the nation expresses this same LOVE FOR-LIVE FOR passion...
The desire to achieve is born out of a felt connection to a person, place or thing. Identifying this connection and allowing it to permeate our decisions results in a true LOVE FOR it. A daily commitment to this connection causes one to LIVE FOR it.
In the same way, it is our LOVE FOR God and His ways that create the passion within us to LIVE FOR Him. And why do we love Him?
We love him, because he first loved us. I John 4:19 KJV
God’s love was proven on the cross – the ultimate sacrifice to ensure a forever connection to our Creator. As we allow this connection to permeate our daily lives we experience God’s LOVE FOR us while solidifying our LOVE FOR Him.
To LIVE FOR Him means making a daily commitment to this love. What does this look like?
Not with eyeservice, as men-pleasers, but as bondservants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. Ephesians 6:6
Performing wonderful tasks that make others happy and impress them is no longer our goal. Rather we LIVE FOR God as simple servants…living out His will from our inner, eternal and re-born soul.
PRAYER: Each day presents a new opportunity to express my LOVE FOR you and your ways, Father. As this passion grows within me, I will LIVE FOR you in my home, in my work, where I serve and as I relate to those around me. Please teach me to do this from my heart. In Your Son’s Name, amen.
Blessings…as your LOVE FOR God ignites the passion to LIVE FOR Him.
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