"On the outs" is an expression used for a turning away from something or someone. It describes being in opposition to a person or group with whom we most often are in agreement. It can happen because of what society upholds as the Politically Correct way of thinking or doing. Is it always a matter of right or wrong? Often not - perhaps just different a different way of seeing things.
Sportmoms are notoriously adept at solving on-the-outs situations. As my grandmother used to say, "There is more than one way to skin a cat!" Not commonly heard today (and perhaps not so PC either!) but what she meant was, there is more than one way to get things done - if it doesn't work one way, try another!
As baseball teams take the field there is a measurable amount of competition in the air. Each is there to win by protecting the bases and swinging the bat with gusto and precision . . . using well-honed skills to defeat their opponent. Although this is an adversarial effort, it is not necessary for them to be "ON THE OUTS!" with their competitor. Healthy play between skilled athletic teams is a thing of beauty resulting in a fulfilling outcome for both - win or lose.
The prophet Isaiah announced the right way to be "on the outs" . . .
"You shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace!" Isaiah 55:12 NIV
Whether in our churches, homes or on the courts, fields and arenas of athletic competition, let's burst into our world with joy and permeate it with peace. Instead of being "on the outs" let's go out into our world reflecting the very character of God and the nature of Christ.
Blessings . . . as you pursue God-inspired "outcomes".
CLICK ABOVE on the BEHIND THE BENCH BLOG to read about an "OUTSTANDING" experience.
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