Today we will use the word “once” as a number meaning “one time”.
When a team or athlete faces an opponent at the scheduled time, they have only once to prove their current superiority. During that short time-span one or the other will be the victor…the final score is posted with no possibility of changing it. Win or lose, that particular game is history - no re-play or do-over…the score forever on the books.
Each day of our lives is like that game…
“Once. That's all we get. No dry runs. No do-overs. This day you're living now is not a dress rehearsal or a practice lap. You're on the stage. You're in the game. Start playing.” Coach Joe Gibbs
We speak of once-in-a-lifetime experiences – highlights of our lives that cannot be duplicated. But each day, no matter how mundane, is ours to be lived once. What will the final score be?
"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom…"
Psalm 90:12
May we realize how short our lives really are so that we may be wise in how we use each day.
Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Each day proclaim the good news that he saves. I Chronicles 16:23 NLT
Ninety-year-old, Winston Churchill gives us this wise perspective…
"Life has been a grand journey—well worth making once."
ONCE IS ENOUGH to live on this earth and once was enough for our sins to be covered on the cross - our bridge to eternal life.
“…it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many.” Hebrews 9:27-28 KJV
Blessings…as you live each day knowing that ONCE IS ENOUGH!
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