As Coach and I processed through the nine months of our first pregnancy, we experienced two major pains. First was the pain of adjustment! This included finding new living quarters (needed room for baby!), a change in eating habits (Coach’s midnight trips to get the fudgesicles I craved), a revamped budget (babies don't come cheap!), added wardrobe to fit, carefully choosing the places we went (no smoking areas only), the number of stops for food and "rest" when we traveled, and on.
The second major pain was, of course, the ultimate birthing process! Despite the discomfort, the final outcome (our beautiful gift, Stephanie) overshadowed all physical "pains" replacing them with an ecstatic joy that was beyond compare. It boiled down to this ... through the pain we gained!
A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world.
John 16:21
Like childbirth, the pains of life bring with them beautiful gifts that mold us into strong and balanced individuals. Consider these…
- The pain of loss brings greater value to what we have
- The pain of consequences results in better choices next time
- The pain of delayed gratification teaches patience
- The pain of disappointment in others fosters a desire to be reliable
- The pain of rejection stirs compassion in our hearts
- The pain of physical suffering causes endurance
- The pain of being wronged teaches forgiveness
"When pain ends, gain ends too." Robert Browning
This past weekend we were once again reminded of the ultimate pain-gain process: The pain of Christ's brutal death on the cross resulting in the gain of bringing all mankind into the possibility of eternal life with Him. Through His pain, we gained…His heavenly purpose completed.
But he was wounded for the wrong we did; he was crushed for the evil we did. The punishment, which made us well, was given to him, and we are healed because of his wounds. Isaiah 53:5
Blessings . . . as this life's pain brings you to eternal gain!
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