Note: The first SPORTMOM E-votional of each month is dedicated to our word-for-the-year...ADORE.
Purposeful living is a challenge we all face. Bunny trails of attention-getting distractions can mean great set-backs on the road of life. Books, classes, videos, television specials, talk show topics and other informational resources around us constantly encourage us to know the track we are on and to stay on it.
PURPOSEFUL ADORATION is a challenge when distractions come. It is often easy for coaches and players to see the weak points of a team or in other players. This is good if it brings them alongside of the need by building up and assisting. But if it causes the focus to be only on the problem with no intentional recognition of exemplary attributes then the bunny trail of distraction takes its toll. Finding the good and promoting it while acknowledging the weakness and working on it, is at the heart of purposefully adoring one another.
“Kind words can be short and easy to speak but their echoes are truly endless.” Mother Teresa
As His children, God calls us to remain “at attention” in our endless adoration of Him. When the bunny-trails of life take us through rough days, He reminds us to purposefully adore Him anyway. This choice in the face of heartbreak, disappointment or deep sadness creates endless echoes of praise to our Lord.
Through thick and thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. I Peter 3:14 The Message
Let's find the good and focus on it – let's take the bad and learn from it – let's choose to practice PURPOSEFUL ADORATION for the One who knows us best.
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