The bread of a sport team is players who possess passion. Without it a trained, skilled and functioning team easily and quickly becomes lack-luster. Interestingly, passion is released when a player decides to commit wholeheartedly to a sport. A conquering team is one built on the bread of passion…an essential staple for reaching consistent success.
Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." John 6:48
He is our essential staple for purposeful living. Interestingly, we choose whether to partake of it or not. Feeding daily on God’s Word, talking with Him in prayer and sharing the blessed bread of His love with others brings nourishment and meaning to life.
“Jesus doesn’t want to be an optional commodity in our diets; He desires to be the essential staple in our lives, our ‘necessary’ food.” Marvin Williams
Jesus also tells us this, “My purpose is to give you a rich and satisfying life.” (see John 10:10)
While reaching for the bread at our Thanksgiving tables, let’s re-commit ourselves to reaching for the Bread of Life each day. The result will be rich, satisfying and and abundant lives full of God Himself.
NOTE: The first E-votional of each month is dedicated to our word for this year...REACH.
"Reach out...Live full lives, full in the fullness of God." Ephesians 3:19 The Message
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