September’s “resolve” includes whole-heartedness and guarding. Both involve our well-being and are required in order to tackle life’s challenges.
Guarding is an important aspect of every team sport. It is a defense against enemy intrusion. An effective guard will deflect a pass, protect a play, and monitor the field or court for unwanted advances. This is successfully accomplished only when their heart is truly in the game.
Getting into the game of a life lived for Christ requires the same response…a heart that is fully maintained and totally involved. Luke, a physician, fittingly wrote these words about Barnabas’ visit to the church in the city of Antioch…
“…he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts.” Acts 11:23 NIV
Our ability to remain true to the Lord is best served when it comes from the center of our being…our heart. It means serving the Lord not half-heartedly because we should but whole-heartedly because Jesus is at the center of our being. When this has been established, we must then vigorously protect it.
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.” Proverbs 4:23 NIV
Everything? Yes - every thought, every deed and every word! We guard our hearts by allowing the Holy Spirit to control and counsel us and by using God’s Word as our guide. The result is our thoughts, deeds and even our words reflect a truly Christ-centered heart.
“Jesus can transform our hearts so that our words can truly be their best—honest, calm, appropriate, and suitable for the situation.” Marvin Williams
PRAYER: Help me to guard against intrusions that separate me from You. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, for you are my strength and my Redeemer.*
* (from Psalm 19:14)
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