My Dad taught me how to apply roofing to the newly-constructed addition of our house. Although it was a very steep roof and I was about 10 years old, I felt capable and wanted to make him proud. So while he was gone I climbed to the roof and began placing and nailing shingles alone. When he came home and saw me he was very surprised, a lot concerned and yet pretty proud!
There are two ways of exerting one's strength; one is pushing down, the other is pulling up. Booker T. Washington
As sportmoms we participate in the development of our athlete. The physical, emotional and spiritual nurturing is ours as parents to jump start. Then along with guidance from the coaches and encouragement from their peers they develop into a team player. It is a TOGETHER WE process that causes us to be sometimes surprised, sometimes a little concerned and almost always a lot proud!
God uses the TOGETHER WE process to accomplish His work here on earth. He not only created the garden and Adam but He partnered with Adam to care for the garden. After equipping Adam to cultivate the soil and take care of the animals, God left the work of the garden in Adam’s hands (see Gen. 2:15-20). Adam and his Creator were in a “TOGETHER WE” relationship
The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to tend and keep it. Genesis 2:15
Jesus did the same with those he chose as his “disciples”. He would mentor, pour himself into and send out these hand-selected followers. They became the TOGETHER WE team that would spread the good news of redemption to all nations with this directive:
“…go and make disciples of all nations…” (see Matthew 28:19&20 for the Great Commission)
The most important TOGETHER WE is the one we can have with our Heavenly Father. He calls us to complete His work on earth also…always equipping us as we learn and ever patient with us as we serve and He is...
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