We all live with the TOO LITTLE - TOO MUCH tension of things around us that can save us as well as destroy us. With controlled fire we warm our homes but a fire out of control can consume us and in the cold no warmth denies life . With water, we keep our bodies hydrated and our planet cooled, but if we are submerged in it we can drown and if there is none we cannot survive. Too much or too little - either can be life-threatening.
Coaches also are faced with this dilemma. Too little talent can keep a team from winning. By the same token, too much talent can cause strife among players and sleepless nights for those in charge. Putting a team that works together using their God-given strengths is a challenging TOO LITTLE - TOO MUCH assignment…definitely not for the faint of heart.
Our God is in the business of bringing balance to this dilemma. He sent His Son to this earth to bring justice and mercy into perfect balance as foretold by the prophet Isaiah…
He is my chosen one, who pleases me. I have put my Spirit upon him. He will bring justice to the nations. He will not shout or raise his voice in public. He will not crush the weakest reed or put out a flickering candle.
Isaiah 42:1-3
In life Jesus modeled the needed balance of justice and mercy for us. In death, as Julie Ackerman Link writes. “He satisfied God’s need for justice and mankind’s need for mercy.”
PRAYER: Fill my heart, Lord, with the fine balance of justice and mercy that reflect who You are. When I lean toward justice let me have mercy and when I let mercy reign give me righteous clarity. Your balance is what I need. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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