During a sport competition, the score can rapidly go from bad to worse. Gloom can set in over both the team and the crowd as they recognize their plight and fight to turn it around. The coach must always see what can be, so with this in mind the game plan is altered. As the players respond, the crowd begins to respond and soon weariness turns into well-executed play.
While busy doing-well what God has given us to do, we may experience discouragement too as circumstances around us seem to go from bad to worse. The family schedule may be in disarray along with our homes. A family member may be sick along with the dog. Lost wages along with lost opportunity may be all around us. The car may be on the blink along with the clothes dryer. Dare I go on?
Situations like these may cause us to question what we are doing and why we are doing it ... we become "weary in well-doing". Julie Ackerman Link addressed this issue when she wrote: "This doesn’t prove that we’re doing the wrong thing; it just reminds us that we need God to accomplish everything."
Being weary in well-doing is going to happen. When it does, we can count the "Coach" of our lives to spur us on...He is in the "anti-weariness" business. He sees what can be.
"...But those who live to please the Spirit will harvest everlasting life from the Spirit. 9 So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up." Galatians 6:8b & 9 NLT
One more thing... will you encourage someone else along your way today too?
"Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds" Hebrews 10:24 NIV
Blessings...as you take the TYLC pill for anti-weariness - Trust Your Life Coach.
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