"What ifs" are sprinkled throughout scripture ... here are three examples:
GOD'S "WHAT IF..." The "what ifs" began in the Garden of Eden by God himself when He asked..."What if they reach out, take fruit from the tree of life, and eat it?" Genesis 3:22 NLT
ABRAHAM'S "WHAT IF..." Abraham also questioned with a "what if...". W when the LORD was looking for 50 righteous people in the city of Sodom so He could spare the city that had fallen into sin. Abraham used the "what if" question again and again on behalf of the remaining righteous left in the city until the number was at 10 asking this final "what if" question and received God's merciful response: "What if you find ten there?" The Lord said, "If I find ten there, I will not destroy it." Genesis 18:32 NCV
MOSES' "WHAT IF..." After God gave The 10 Commandments to Moses reality set in and Moses responded with a double "What if". "What if the people of Israel do not believe me or listen to me? What if they say, 'The Lord did not appear to you'?" Exodus 4:1 NCV
The "what if" questions in scripture are often a prelude to a sought-after exception. Today we will use it as a prelude to a thankful heart...
OUR "WHAT IF..." Recently this thought-provoking question came across my desk:
WHAT IF...we woke up today with only the things that we thanked God for yesterday?
Someone once asked, "Can you spare a moment today for even a single grateful thought?" One is certainly better than none, but what a poor and depraved people we would be if today held only one grateful thought.
CHALLENGE: Note your "what is" moments today and turn them into a prayer of thanks.
Blessings...as your "what ifs" are replaced with a thankful heart for "what is".
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