Hebrews 10:24
The answer to today’s question is EVERYONE! As we continue “THE WHO” series, we take a look at the attribute of encouragement. Receiving a good word from another is one of the ways we are motivated to become better people.
“Those who are lifting the world upward and onward are those who encourage more than criticize.” Elizabeth Harrison
As human beings, we long for these morsels of encouragement. Since those around us are listening, it’s up to us to offer it. Encouraging others sends them the message that they are of value to us. As they hear our words they, in turn, are spurred along to give the same to others and the domino effect takes over.
A sport team responds positively to a coach who lifts them up. It means focusing on what they do well and assisting them to grow, one step at a time, toward what they can become. Coach Brown keeps these principles in mind as his new team begins to practice each year. He knows that athletes have a way of becoming what he encourages them to be.
There is an old American folk song titled “Home On the Range” - we used to sing it in grammar school music hour. Early television westerns often used this song and it’s lyrics as a backdrop to their programs. One line in this tune is particularly key to our subject today...
“…where never is heard a discouraging word…”
Now that is a tall order … at least for me! Still, it is a goal that I will continue to work toward. Why? Because EVERYONE IS LISTENING and needs encouragement.
An interesting observation is that during my most obvious whispers from our Lord, it is always a simple and gentle encouragement. Oh, to be like Him for His words are so satisfying.
Today may you find an encouraging word to motivate those around you. Leaving behind the words that would focus on the problem, let’s encourage one another by focusing on the solution.
"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today …” Hebrews 3:13
Blessings…as you satisfy those who are listening.
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