My life BEHIND THE BENCH took root nearly 46 years ago because of a major “GET OUT” experience… one that took me BEYOND MYSELF and onto a now-obvious and pre-determined path as a Coach’s wife.
First, I had to move beyond my comfortable, predictable and reasonable environment. It required taking a questionable step into a transformational world. During my 4th year at a small and secure Christian Liberal Arts College in the Northwest I accepted a job with a major international airline as a Flight Attendant based in the big city – Los Angeles.
Second, I had to negotiate the absolute surprise of my peers, profs and parents whose response was the now-familiar, “GET OUT” meaning, of course, that they were flabbergasted. Even the college president called me in to pray with me about this decision while asking, “What are you doing anyway?”
Third, I had to actually do what was before me to do which was: to train in Kansas City (my first flight on a jet ...hmmm ... and I was going to work on one?), to be based in L.A. (far away from family and friends), to fly into cities across the county that to me were but a dot on a map (my first overnight hotel stay was midtown. Manhattan in New York City – alone).
Was I excited? Yes. Was a scared to death? Yes. Was I trusting God with a heart to follow Christ? Yes. Was it easy to go BEYOND MYSELF and GET OUT? No. But it brought me to this page, writing to you. You see, within 2 weeks of settling in L.A. I met my future husband – a coach and teacher (in that order!). It took going BEYOND MYSELF, trusting God’s Word and taking Him seriously when He encouraged me to get up and get going.
CLICK on the SPORTMOM E-votional tab above for “GET OUT!”
First, I had to move beyond my comfortable, predictable and reasonable environment. It required taking a questionable step into a transformational world. During my 4th year at a small and secure Christian Liberal Arts College in the Northwest I accepted a job with a major international airline as a Flight Attendant based in the big city – Los Angeles.
Second, I had to negotiate the absolute surprise of my peers, profs and parents whose response was the now-familiar, “GET OUT” meaning, of course, that they were flabbergasted. Even the college president called me in to pray with me about this decision while asking, “What are you doing anyway?”
Third, I had to actually do what was before me to do which was: to train in Kansas City (my first flight on a jet ...hmmm ... and I was going to work on one?), to be based in L.A. (far away from family and friends), to fly into cities across the county that to me were but a dot on a map (my first overnight hotel stay was midtown. Manhattan in New York City – alone).
Was I excited? Yes. Was a scared to death? Yes. Was I trusting God with a heart to follow Christ? Yes. Was it easy to go BEYOND MYSELF and GET OUT? No. But it brought me to this page, writing to you. You see, within 2 weeks of settling in L.A. I met my future husband – a coach and teacher (in that order!). It took going BEYOND MYSELF, trusting God’s Word and taking Him seriously when He encouraged me to get up and get going.
CLICK on the SPORTMOM E-votional tab above for “GET OUT!”