To be a star athlete requires significant contributions to the sport or team effort. They brighten up the court or field with outstanding performance which causes those watching them compete to hoot and holler with enjoyment...they SHINE LIKE STARS!
Unlike these athletes, my younger sister has found herself in a serious and life-changing place where to SHINE LIKE STARS is not usually found. A drunk driver going 100 miles per hour hit her parked car at the driver’s side and she was in it. Her fight for life began the evening of this past Mother’s Day. After 23 days in ICU, two major surgeries (including a complete hip replacement) she lays in her hospital bed with many broken bones and internal injuries, completely restrained lower body movement and extreme pain to be controlled. So what does she do in her weakest hours? In a soft voice with few words she prays for her grandchildren, tells her attendants that she is praying for them, thanks the Lord for taking her through this, listens to worship music and praises Jesus...she shines like a star leading all those who come in contact with her to Christ!
Those who are wise will shine as bright as the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars forever. Daniel 12:3 NLT
It is well-known that what is inside of us comes out at our weakest moments. To SHINE LIKE STARS we need Jesus at the center of our being.
PRAYER: May your light shine through me today, Lord, no matter my circumstances. Thank you for being the light of the world. Thank you for making your home in my heart ...I want to SHINE LIKE STARS for you always. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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