As our sport teams take the fields and courts of play, it is not the color of their new uniforms, the type of facility where the game is held or even how tenaciously they may play that determines the outcome. What does count, however, is the power of the unseen motivation within that is displayed when the team excellently performs the task before them…a completely satisfying experience for players, coaches and fans!
Although God Himself is unseen with our naked eye, it is His EXCELLENT POWER displayed before us that announces His presence and awakens our senses. This happens regularly through the natural elements of weather – pounding rain, scorching sun, bone-piercing thunder or blinding bolts of lightning.
In the book of Job we find these references to God’s EXCELLENT POWER…
“God thunders marvelously with His voice” (37:5).
“He covers His hands with lightning, and commands it to strike” (36:32).
“Indeed, God is excellent in power” (37:23).
God’s EXCELLENT POWER is not only displayed in nature, but it is also evident in the daily “coincidences” of life. His unseen hand is there as we go about our routines of daily living. When we find ourselves making statements like, “I just happen to…” or “I didn’t plan it that way but…” or “I don’t know how this came about but…” it can often indicate a powerful display of God’s unseen presence. God spoke to the king of Egypt about displayed His power with these words…
“I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.” Romans 9:17 NIV
His power is unmistakable; His excellence is undeniable…without end and completely satisfying!
PRAYER: Just as I experience your power through nature, Lord, help me to recognize your EXCELLENT POWER in my life today. Thank you for your purpose and presence in me … I want to proclaim it. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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