Our first Wednesday of each month SUMMER SCHEDULE focuses on our word for the year – PURSUE.
Peace is a commonly sought after outcome and is often sealed with a handshake. It can follow a struggle, disagreement or fight if those involved come to an understanding. Our country’s foreign affairs diplomats are given the job of seeking peaceful relationships with other nations. The desire for peace is in the hearts of mankind. How we get there is the burning question.
Shaking hands following a competition is considered a sign of peace. It is an outward display of acceptance between athletes. Coaches are often seen giving the handshake after a hard-fought game. Although not always an easy thing to do, it is done in the pursuit of peace.
Our lives are filled with opportunities to PURSUE PEACE. It may not come naturally but in doing it we live out God’s intentions...
“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.” Psalm 34:15 NIV
To PURSUE PEACE we must take the first step toward it. This requires turning away from selfishness, pride, anger, resentment and hatred we may have targeted at others.
Then replace these old responses with good actions and thoughts toward and about the person with whom you are in conflict...
Let us then pursue what makes for peace and for mutual up-building. Romans 14:19 NRSV
REMINDER: There is always something good to find in others.
PRAYER: Dear Father, I want to turn away from the evil found in my soul so your goodness can grow and flourish in me. Please help me as I seek peace and pursue it. Thank you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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