The first SPORTMOM E-votional of each month is dedicated to our word for the year...ADORE!
It’s a wonderful experience to share in another’s accomplishments. A basic tenant of family living is to celebrate each other’s wins…basking in the glory of it all together! Deep adoration is at the core of this tenant…an enduring and endearing goal for every family.
Sport team members share the glory of a great win. That experience is indelibly etched on their minds and engraved on their hearts. Years later they happily recall it with deep adoration.
The Bible speaks of God’s glory 272 times. In these passages we learn to ADORE HIS GLORY by giving God glory and by getting God’s glory.
- We give God glory through our adoration and praise for who He is...
- We get to share in God's glory as His children...
Romans 5:2 NLT
A dear friend recently sent that scripture to me adding, “We won’t just share in God’s glory, but we will actually share His glory.”
Through Christ’s death and resurrection the way into the enduring and endearing family of God was opened to us. His glory is indelibly etched on our lives and we bask in it.
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