The Bible tells is that the Apostle Paul dealt with the issue of knowing and doing in his first letter to the church in Rome...
For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him...their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Romans 1:21
It is not enough to just know there is a God...that He exists. We must move to the do by becoming familiar with His ways. This happens as we live in a day to day, moment by moment relationship with Him. Continually thanking Him for all we have, doing what we have to do as if it were being done just for Him and giving Him the kudos for it all brings us into His amazing presence and adds deep enrichment to our lives.
Try a day filled with constant acknowledgement, praise or thanks to God for each thing that comes your way. In it you will discover an enhanced relationship with Him while growing into the person He has designed you to be...that is enough!
PRAYER: I want to know you, Lord, and give you glory and thanks in all I do and say. Being in your presence each and every moment is my heart’s desire...then it will be enough. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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