The ‘coulda-woulda-shoulda’ imprint is on my life quite regularly. When the result does not seem good, regret is inevitable. Living with regret, in turn, can become a handicap to abundant living...what a trap this can create.
So what do we do with these words of our Savior when regret knocks at our door?
"I came that they may have life, and have it more abundantly." John 10:10
While reminding us of His purpose for being here, He offered us His promise of rich, full, and satisfying lives even through our regrets. Knowing this we can look back at our past, see how it brought us to the present and move forward trusting His presence as He leads us through life. What we see as mistakes may be the very path that leads us to the abundant life He came to bring.
Pastor Rick Warren recently published these provoking thoughts...
“God could have kept Joseph out of jail, kept Daniel out of the lion’s den, kept Jeremiah from being tossed into a slimy pit, kept Paul from being shipwrecked three times, and kept the three Hebrew young men from being thrown into the blazing furnace — but he didn't. He let those problems happen, and every one of those persons was drawn closer to God as a result.”
These old song lyrics echo through my mind about Christ’s ultimate sacrifice - no coulda-woulda-shoulda here...
He could have called 10 thousand angels to destroy the world and set Him free - He could have called 10 thousand angels... but He died alone for you and me!
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