“If wanting to win is a fault, as some of my critics seem to insist, then I plead guilty. I like to win. I know no other way. It's in my blood." Coach Bear Bryant
Long before the crowd shouts out their defined desire, the coach has patiently and skillfully nurtured the desire within a team. Grooming of an athlete's individual skills and a team's knowledge of the game are important, but it is the WANNA WIN desire within the coach that spurs a team on. Once again, Coach Bryant:
"It's not the will to win that matters - everyone has that. It's the will to prepare to win that matters."
God is our great life Coach who wants us to win clearly defines our desires. He sent His only Son, Jesus, to model “the plays” for us and His Holy Spirit to help us understand the desires that He has put within us…the ones He has placed in our hearts.
“Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 137:4 NIV
A closer look at this scripture reveals how our Lord responds when we delight in Him. David, the writer of this Psalm, does not stop short by simply promising us whatever we desire. Rather, he defines the desires God wants to give as those of our heart. Desires of the flesh come and go, desires that are from someone else may confuse us, and desires that come from our sinful nature destroy us. That is why God placed His defined desire within our very being – in our hearts and promising to see them through to “the win”.
God has placed key “want-it-to-win-it” desires at the very core of who we are. Below is a SHORT LIST of the desires that grip our hearts as believers along with some ways that He meets each one…
READ GOD’S WORD – He has provided a country where we are free to read His Word, There are Bible Study groups in churches, internet and television Bible studies, an array of devotional books, and many versions of the Bible for more complete and clearer understanding of His Word.
TALK WITH GOD – He wakes us up early or ignites our focus at night showing us the best time to share moments with Him. There are stop lights, waiting in lines or other places, and other planned prayer times when He meets our desire to thank, to ask, to worship, and to listen.
TELL OTHERS ABOUT GOD – Across our daily path He brings those who need the His touch on their lives…whether by word or deed it is our opportunity to tell them about His love for them.
RESIST SINNING AGAINST GOD – He offers a way to escape as we desire to get far from evil. The toughest tests always have the righteous which we desperately want. .
ASSOCIATE WITH OTHER BELIEVERS – As our hearts cry out for relationship with Him and with other believers, He provides the Church which satisfies a deep longing in our soul.
“Wanting to win it” means practicing God-honoring desires that prepare us for the win!
Blessings…as you do what it takes to “want it more!”
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