Members of a sport team can be powerful intercessors. By consistently speaking positively to the coach or others about a valued team member can make a huge impact particularly when that person is experiencing inadequacy. This intercession is happily interrupted when the player returns to the game with the same vigorous play he or she is known to possess.
Prayer for one another is called “intercession”. Holding someone before the Lord when that person cannot hold themselves up calls for a true intercessor. Fellow believers did that for Peter, a disciple of Christ. While he was in jail and about to be put to death they were holding him up in prayer…
Constant prayer was offered to God for him (Peter) by the church... Acts 12:5
These earnest prayers of intercession were suddenly set aside when Peter walked through the doors of the room where they were praying…INTERCESSION INTERRUPTED! A violent earthquake had loosened his chains and an angel of God had escorted Peter from the jail…unharmed and free. Next he went to be with his intercessors.
(Peter) went to the house...where many people had gathered and were praying... when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. Peter...described how the Lord had brought him out of prison. Acts 12:12,16,17 NIV
Oh, that we would intercede on behalf of one another and experience divine intervention. What do you need to hold before the Lord on behalf of another? Have you been held before the Lord by a fellow believer?
PRAYER: Today, Lord, I intercede on behalf of (fill in the blank). Please provide them with (fill in the blank). Thank you for the privilege of being an intercessor and for those who have held me before you in times of great need. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
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