It is a known fact that a seed kept in tact can lay dormant for long periods of time and still maintain it's ability to produce. When provided with a nurturing environment of rich soil, sun-filled days and spring showers it too can flourish. But a seed that has been "disturbed" whether very old or freshly new can bring no fruit or flower. CLICK HERE for another seed story.
Seeds are also used for things other than planting. Artwork and crafts of all kinds include seeds of various sizes, shapes and color fostering texture and originality . Coach uses sunflower seeds to keep him awake when he drives long distances. Popping them into his mouth, he cracks open the salt-soaked shell to release the sweet seed inside. This activity plants alertness within him...yet another kind of "planting"!
When sport competitions, tournaments, meets, matches etc. are planned, certain successful teams are "seeded" in opposing brackets to ensure that the competition is balanced. Much like planting seeds in the ground to flourish and grow, this seeding process brings about the opportunity for best results, flourishing competition, and beautiful growth in the participating athletes.
Just as we take pleasure in planting seeds that produce flowers and fruit, God takes joy in His children and calls us His "PLANTINGS". He promises us long life, satisfaction, safety, along with heard and answered prayer...
For my people will be as long-lived as trees, my chosen ones will have satisfaction in their work. They won't work and have nothing come of it, they won't have children snatched out from under them. For they themselves are PLANTINGS blessed by God, with their children and grandchildren likewise God-blessed. Before they call out, I'll answer. Before they've finished speaking, I'll have heard. Isaiah 65.17 The Message
As God's plantings, we grow into sturdy trees. Trees that withstand the wind of change as it strengthens our branches. Trees that thrive on the pounding rains nurturing beautiful green leaves of growth in God's Word. And trees that rest gracefully in the hot sunshine of noon-day knowing that the shade of protection will be there for all who are nearby.
They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of His splendor. Isaiah 61:3b NIV
GREATNESS IS THE SEED PLANTED IN OUR DAILY DOING. you display God's splendor today!
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