As sportmoms we have watched the athletes in our homes make strong commitments as they prepare to play on or coach a sport. This commitment mirrors each facet of The Lord's Prayer. First, they must be willing to praise one another. To succeed they must understand and follow the will of the coach looking to him for the direction and experience that he will provide. Next, keeping short accounts with one another and accepting the decisions that are made bring harmonious relationships both on and off the court or field. And finally, guarding their hearts, mouths and actions during the stressful competition brings honor to them and their school . . . they finish strong!
For the past five sessions we have learned to live out the prayer that Jesus taught us to use when praying to His Father, God of the universe, Maker of heaven and earth, our Creator and the Lover of our souls.
We have come before Him with Purest Praise ... Welcoming His Will ... Pursuing His Provision ... Settling Up & Settling In while Guarding Against the temptations that surround us.
Every word of this prayer has had a lesson in it for us. Now it's time to finish strong with these words:
"For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever, Amen." Matthew 6:14
Which in like manner is to say . . . "My life is yours, take control of me, I honor you forever."
This heart-felt commitment marks the beginning of a lasting relationship with our Father in Heaven. As believers it is also our continual prayer marking each day of our lives. Have you made this commitment? Have you made it again today? I hope you will . . . it never gets old.
Blessings . . . as you finish strong!
To read the final script of INTERRUPTED PRAYER CLICK ABOVE at the BEHIND THE BENCH tab.
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