Adequate preparation can mean the difference between a winning or losing season. It means a PREP TIME that includes giving 100% at all practices, adjusting to a new set of team mates, and fitting into his or her role and responsibility within the team. These preparations contribute greatly to both a productive and wonder-filled season.
Serious preparation leads to solid performance. Athletes want to be at the top of their game during the competition that is soon to be upon them. They know that much of the season's results will depend upon pre-season preparation. As Sportmoms we too know the importance of PREP TIME and have perhaps spent years taking to heart the words from Proverbs 22:6 . . .
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
This call to un-compromised PREP TIME is the challenge that came to us when we became parents. Another version of this verse puts it this way -
"Point your kids in the right direction - when they're old they won't be lost." The Message
We have invested precious PREP TIME in our children honing their skills teaching compatibility and the acceptance of new and different challenges during their younger and formative years. Now it is paying off in their tomorrows on the courts and fields of athletics. As expressed by noted Bible Study Leader and author, Beth Moore . . .
"The wonders God wants to do in all our tomorrows are prepared for in our today's."
Christ Jesus was sent as a baby in a manger spending 33 years in PREP TIME walking this earth readying himself and the world for the winning moment. This moment came on a cross when your sins and mine were erased by the sacrifice of His blood. Our tomorrows were forever changed because of that day.
We are now engaged in a PREP TIME called living. What happens, what we learn, and how we respond are all a part of the practice plan for eternity. Believing this, we can move ahead with confidence in our wonder-working God who holds all of our tomorrows safely in His hands.
"Who compares with you among gods, O God? Who compares with you in power, in holy majesty, In awesome praises,wonder-working God?" Exodus 15:10b The Message
Blessings ... as you live in wonder during God's PREP TIME!
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