The first issue of SPORTMOM E-votional each month is dedicated to our 2018 word for the year PURSUE.
Early in my adult life I became aware of my conversation inadequacies. Realizing that I could respond with much better answers to questions, I often wished for a re-do.
Questions about game plan etc. arise during a sport season. Providing clear and concise answers that spur the team on is a critical component toward achieving the set goal. Questions answered in the best way avoids giving a foothold to less than desired play.
Our answers to questions reveal our hearts. Here is a heart-check...
1. Was it an honest response?
2. Did it spur another along?
3. Was it free of antagonistic or sarcastic remarks?
4. Did it answer the question at hand?
We can PURSUE THE BEST ANSWER by following this directive from God’s Word...
Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone. Colossians 4:6 NIV
When my answers seem to fail with no do-overs possible, I am relieved to learn and comforted to know that there is still hope in God's faithfulness...
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV
Choosing to release it into the care of our Heavenly Father makes way for His intended purpose to be accomplished both in us and in the conversation.
PRAYER: Teach me to speak with grace and salt, dear Lord. And when my conversation fails, please remind me to give it to you. Thank you for your powerful presence that overcomes my weakness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
©2018 SPORTMOMS & MORE | 11964 Elemar - Portland, OR 97224