Well before the season begins, the coach must complete a team assessment. It is a REACH INSIDE kind of process that requires counting the strengths and weaknesses of each athlete in relationship to the team needs. Using his/her knowledge and experience, the coach begins to craft a plan to use the players in the most productive way possible. Plumbing the depths for what is necessary to the team's success and eliminating habits that erode the team purpose is the never-ending challenge for a committed coach.
Fall start-ups are here. As we face this new school year a “plumb the depths” kind of assessment is helpful in avoiding hazardous pitfalls. Our husbands, children, work, social activities and networks, sports, work-outs, food preparation, text messaging, shopping and digital entertainment can easily erode our relationship with God. Leaving any of these things behind will not cure the problem…but recognizing that God is in it all will. As we consistently pray, worship God regularly, and read His Word daily the Holy Spirit’s presence will touch and enable every part of our lives. The unnecessary will disappear and the necessary will be emboldened.
Let's "plumb the depths" by inviting the Holy Spirit into our everyday activities. As we allow God to REACH INSIDE us we will experience His power, strength, direction and purpose for all that lies before us.
“Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself.” John 15:4 NIV
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