In life, a helpful deed gives rise to a thankful heart which, in turn, helps another along the way… the passing of THE BATON OF THANKFULNESS. It is purposeful giving and grateful receiving that leads us to the prize of humble and fulfilled living.
RECEIVING THE BATON OF THANKFULNESS: Thankful living begins with an act of kindness bestowed upon us. Receiving help and care from another begins the thankfulness relay. Understanding where our ultimate help comes from is vital to winning the prize.
“My help and glory are in God —granite-strength and safe-harbor-God— So trust him absolutely, people; lay your lives on the line for him.” Psalm 62:7-8 The Message
PASSING THE BATON OF THANKFULNESS: A thankful heart passes their thankfulness on to on others and the relay of life continues…
“Let each of you look out not only for their own interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4
PRAYER: I recognize and thank you for your help, Lord. I want to pass THE BATON OF THANKFULNESS on to others. May this act of care lead others to You in the year ahead.
Blessings as you invest in others by passing THE BATON OF THANKFULNESS on to others because of what God has given you.
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