The first SPORTMOM E-votional of each month is dedicated to our word for 2015 - RESOLVE.
Recently passing the 70-year mark in life caused me to experience serious and VITAL RESOLVE & REFLECTION. Looking back I reviewed the years of my journey. All have been filled with people to love. Sixty-four of them have been walking with Jesus. Fifty-one have been surrendered to God’s plan for my life. Forty-eight have been shared with the perfect life partner for me and the sweet family that resulted. Twenty-five were spent purposefully developing and using the administrative gift God placed in me. Finally, it has been in this past decade that the amazing opportunity to hone a writing skill has come my way.
Although writing always found its way into whatever I was doing, it has been the penning of SPORTMOM E-votionals that more fully opened that gift. As if to underline it, a little career quiz offered this surprising description of what I should pursue…
WRITER - You have an unmatched skill for creating vast worlds both through facts and pure imagination. Your mind is full of creativity, artistry, and expression. Your heart gracefully guides your hands as you work to bring what is truly your spirit to life. You were meant to guide the world with your words.
What an explicit encouragement when we find that how God made us certainly determines our path. Our life opportunities do fit perfectly into His ultimate plan. What we love to do is what we are made to do…no matter our age!
Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green. Psalm 92:14 NLT
A devotional writer recently put it this way...
“Our goal should not be to see how many years we can live but instead to live fully in loving service to the Lord for all the years we are given.” David McCasland
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