NOTE: The first issue of each month is dedicated to our 2015 word for the year - RESOLVE
Get ready (hesitate), get set (hesitate) …GO!
With this announcement we would be off and running a race across the lawn to an imaginary finish line. As a child, waiting for the start seemed long and we found it very easy to jump ahead or not begin because we didn’t hear the GO! It was a game that required the resolve to listen carefully, be at-the-ready, and respond quickly with very fast feet!
With a loud horn, a sudden gunshot or an attention-getting buzzer, a sport competition begins signaling the athletes out of the WAIT-WAIT mode and into the anxiously-awaited GO! It’s now time for the training, practice, and mental preparation to carry them through the game. The wait is over and their resolve becomes reality.
There are many WAIT-WAIT times in our lives. Whether it is something as simple as waiting in a long line at our favorite event or as important as waiting to begin something that we have studied, trained, practiced and have prepared to do, the wait for it can certainly test our patience.
A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. Dutch Proverb
David, the Psalmist, wrote about the WAIT. He tells us to wait for the Lord's GO, encourages us to remain strong, cautions us not to lose heart and then reminds us a second time to WAIT for the Lord’s GO.
Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14
Between the Lord’s WAIT and His GO we are challenged to put all of our hope in Him and expect His answer to come. We are also directed to be brave and courageous with hearts resolved to endure the wait.
PRAYER: Today I put the things that I am waiting for into your all-knowing hands. With my trust in you I am resolved to endure patiently, listen carefully, and remain at-the-ready and WAIT. When you say GO, I will respond quickly. Thank you for your faithful watch-care over me, your ever-present protection, and your clear guidance. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.
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