The coach for a team or athlete is there to direct and guide…an “in charge” person who takes another’s skills and abilities to the next level of performance. This can be the most exhilarating experience an athlete/team has while, at the same time, being the most challenging. Since it’s the coach’s job to develop the team or athlete, the pain to gain is necessary. Ultimately, however, it is the athlete who chooses to fully participate that brings about the sought after improvement.
Our God is in charge...
...of the place we inhabit.
“He’s God, our God, in charge of the whole earth…” Psalm 105:7 TM
...of our formation endowing us with certain skill sets, interests and abilities,
He is your Father and Maker, who made you and formed you. Deuteronomy 32:6b NCV
God who governed the world before I was born shall take care of it when I am gone. My part is to improve the present moment. John Wesley
The Bible contains a long list of those that were put in charge. They include Moses, Joseph, honorable Kings, Israelite workers, Abraham’s servants, Christ’s disciples and many, many more. They participated in God's plan and “improved their present moment”.
God has put us in charge of living out the life He has given us. With His Word to guide us, Christ's example to lead us and through the power of His Holy Spirit working in us we can "improve the present moment" by fully participating in God’s plan for our lives.
“…use your whole body as an instrument to do what is right for the glory of God. Romans 6:13b NLT
PRAYER: Thank you for forming me and setting me in the place where I dwell. I choose to fully participate in Your plan for my life by using each skill, interest and ability that You have given me to bring glory to Your holy name. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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